from the world weary woman

a beautiful excerpt from World Weary Woman: her wound and transformation by a Jungian analyst- Cara Barker. let the soulful inner voice be respected, expressed and heard…

“we forget that these weary ones are not the pathology they wear. they are experts themselves in this approach. they have made it a full time job to change, alter, cut away, suck out, like liposuction, anything which seems imperfect, too human, too ordinary, too plain, too small. so here they sit across from me… mirror mirror on the wall. part of them only too willing to take on another project. yet another time willing to do whatever the outer world asks… willing to prove, prod, produce more competence, exude more charm. willing to please, perform, just one more time.

meanwhile outside in waiting room, the Other one, their woman number two, sits silently and invisibly. she knows how to wait. she knows how to hear again the theory, the idea, the expert opinion, the terminal judgment of her as “case.” she sighs grown weary, she the neglected one fatigued by the other’s penchant for perfection is tired. pure and simple exhaustion. sinking back into the couch with weary achy bones and muscles, not to mention heart and lagging spirit, she sighs once more. the spiritual fibromyalgia runs deeper than any diagnostic code. maybe this time. if only this once the door would open for her turn, her movement, her chance, her niche, her voice and mark. if only there would be a place for her hands and feet, her belly and breasts, her backside, to wiggle and shimmy, to rock and roll, to bump and grind, simply because it pleases her.

woman. sheer unadulterated woman. instincts. good reliable instinctual nature gone dormant for too long. not a blasphemy to god but a blessing of creation. absolved at last from a sin that never was: the one of owning her original innocence.”

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